Cult Mountain Live at Jazz Café (Photos)
By Ginger Slim

Unless you've been sleeping for the past month, you will know that last week saw the 616 contingent roll into London's iconic Jazz Café for another teardown, as Cult Mountain reunited for their first gig in quite a while. Having split up weeks before purely so they could pull off a legitimate reunion show, Lee Scott, Milkavelli, Trellion and Sumgii hit the stage with all the debauchery, energy and sweg of Mötley Crüe c. 1985. They brought with them some of 616's finest friends and affiliates, including Nah Eeto, Stinkin Slumrok and Morriarchi. If you weren't able to catch the action in person then luckily for you we captured some of the historic takeover on camera, which you can see below. All photos taken by Harvey Fairley-Williams (IG @hwfpht).